Saturday, 21 February 2015


There are these two dogs grumpy and bumpy in one of the industrial area I visit everyday and I don't know why but they keep barking at my car every time I move in or out of their area. Since its a narrow lane I have to be really careful that I don't bump my car into someone or something. All of a sudden these two dogs will appear from nowhere and start barking at my car furiously and for no reason. I tried ignoring them but they made it a daily habit and started doing this thing everyday, first few days were ok but then, I started loosing my patience and was really mad at them and started reacting to their barking. Whenever they started barking I tried to dash them or hurt them in one or the other way sometimes shouted at them. Seeing me react, they started enjoying and me getting mad more. The reactions include throwing stones, speeding in narrow lane trying to kill them under my wheel, running behind them to hit with a stick/stone. All this went on for some time and then it released more then chasing my car they enjoyed my reaction. I observed them for some time, to see how they react to other vehicles moving in and out and to my surprise they sat quietly while other vehicles moved in or out, it was just my car that they enjoyed chasing. Finally I decided I won't react to these dogs what so ever happens. The routine continued, they kept barking and I drove in and out without reaction calmly doing my work finishing it and moved out. seeing no reaction from me they got bored and stopped chasing my car. sometimes they try their old trick but sad they get no reaction from me.


Many a times in you life you will find people who are like these dogs, out of nowhere they will come in your life and start nagging, criticizing, finding faults in your work, even if you are doing good work better then them. It's their habit to do so and they will enjoy in your suffering. The more you suffer/react to them the more they will enjoy. The best way is to avoid such people and keep doing your work, because the more u think about reacting to such people, more you will be wasting your time and deviating from your goal or your path.

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